Small Sailboat Topaz Uno 2 kids 8-12/1 adult 1 kid/325lbs total capacity
An intro boat with room to grow. The Uno is an award-winning dinghy and included in the World Sailing “Learn to Sail” curriculum.
Boat comes standard with jib and mainail. Race rigging is available upon request.
Best use is calm coastal. Rotomolded hulls are exceptionally durable and the boats are easy to flip back. The cockpit is open and self bailing.
An intro boat with room to grow. The Uno is an award-winning dinghy and included in the World Sailing “Learn to Sail” curriculum.
Boat comes standard with jib and mainail. Race rigging is available upon request.
Best use is calm coastal. Rotomolded hulls are exceptionally durable and the boats are easy to flip back. The cockpit is open and self bailing.